Costa Rica Adventure 2022 - A Recap

Our inaugural adventure retreat in Tambor Beach Costa Rica this past February was a week full of core memories for our entire crew. 😎 Here’s a quick recap of the adventure. If you are curious about our 2023 adventure, we’ll be following a similar schedule with some really fun upgrades, so check it out!

Our adventure starts in San Jose, Costa Rica, our first night stop. Bright & early the following day we headed back to the airport to take a short flight to the coast to get settled at the Tambor Tropical Beach Resort, our home base for the week. Retreaters were welcomed with some useful swag for the trip, then we spent the afternoon getting settled and relaxing after a day of travel with a beverage and a swim in our own private pool, then finished off the day with our welcome dinner.

Day 2 was our fullest day of adventure, kicking it off with some skydiving! We had 6 first time jumpers do tandems, and some experienced skydivers got to enjoy 2 fun jumps as well! After jumping and lunch, we headed to nearby Montezuma for some afternoon ziplining through the jungle which also included a short hike & waterfall break. Retreaters then opted to have dinner together in Montezuma and share stories from their first full day of adventure.

Our 3rd day kicked off with an optional workout (offered daily) which was a combo of yoga & HIIT, followed by the complimentary breakfast by the pool. Once we were all fueled up and ready we walked to the beach in front of the resort to catch our boat to Curu Wildlife Reserve for a short hike full of local Costa Rican wildlife, followed by some snorkeling, lunch, and beverages on Tortuga Island! Day 3 wrapped up with some free time at the resort which was mostly unwinding by the pool, followed by a beach bonfire with new adventure buddies. 😎

Day 4 was yet another favorite day kicking off with sunrise yoga overlooking the bay from a beautiful mango farm! Even though we were all on vacation, almost all of us got up early to enjoy a chill yoga flow with epic views with the background sound of some howler monkies. We then had a free day where some retreaters headed to nearby towns to shop, a few went deep sea fishing (and even caught a shark!), and others just relaxed back at the resort. That evening we caught our boats in front of the resort to ride across the bay to enjoy an EPIC sunset with some fresh beverages before swimming under the stars and experiencing the bioluminescence in the bay. We have no photos due to it being SO DARK, but it looked like Avatar under crazy bright stars in the warm pacific water. We’ll definitely be doing this excursion again to experience this magic again!

On the 5th day we headed back to Montezuma to meet our surf instructors (@surfshoolbythewaves) where we hiked through the jungle along beautiful beaches to our lesson. From there we took a quick lesson on the beach, then got to take a crack at catching some waves! After our day of surfing we hiked back to town, grabbed some lunch then headed back to Tambor Tropical for an afternoon of relaxing and recovering from surfing (it’s tougher than the pros make it look).

For our 6th & final full day in paradise, we slept in a bit and started off the day with a pool WOD (aka a combo of water aerobics and some HIIT training). Once we cleaned up we headed to Santa Teresa for some exploring, shopping, and delicious food! We enjoyed one of Santa Teresa’s famous sunsets before sharing our Farewell Dinner on the beach.

Day 7 means it was time to start making our way home. We enjoyed breakfast together to the sounds of the maccaws, shared some traditional Costa Rican treats to take home, and finally headed a few miles up the road to catch our flights back to San Jose, then ultimately back to our respective homes.

We are so excited for round 2 coming up this February 2023! Hope to see you there! 🎉


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