Fitness & Yoga Options with ShoeFly

Custom Programming: Weightlifting & General Fitness

Train at your own pace and have peace of mind knowing your program was built and customized specifically for you and your training goals. We coach and train out of Heavy Metal Barbell out of Charlotte, NC but can work with you no matter where you are located!

We work with all types of athletes, but we do specialize in programming for master’s level women.

The first step is to schedule a remote coaching consultation with us to discuss your goals, what type of program you would like, and implement a plan of action.

Basic Programming - $125/month

  • Up to 5 days/week custom programming

  • Weekly video review and feedback

Advanced Programming - $200/month

  • Up to 5 days/week custom programming

  • Daily video review & feedback

  • Monthly goals meeting

Virtual Coaching/PT Sessions - $75/hour

  • Spending an hour with a certified coach virtually can greatly improve your lifts and training if you are working to improve your technique.



We currently offer yoga events as requested, but are currently working on expanding our online class offerings to help you stay flexy with fun, easy-to-understand yoga flows and challenges for all levels. Stay tuned!